In the past several years, businesses have turned to PPC Ad campaigns to promote their products and services to their targeted audiences. But now, Facebook Ads are starting to rock the boat. 
According to online statistics portal Statista, the social media giant Facebook has 1.6 billion active users, roughly the equivalent of 22 percent of the current world population. With those kind of outrageous percentages, it's easy to see how far your advertising reach could extend on a social media site like Facebook, to jumpstart your next big lead generation marketing plan.
But beyond the edge of having such a high number of users, Facebook has begun to sink titanic PPC Ad campaigns for even more reasons: 

1    Big Returns on Small Spends -- You can advertise your business on Facebook for as low as 1 USD per Ad set, per day. An even on that low of a shoestring advertising budget, your Ads would still have potential to reach the site's massive user base. And if your Ads are interesting enough, people would likely share them with their Facebook friends and then the domino effect would begin to occur. Your content could start out as a paid Ad, but then end up spreading all over Facebook organically, literally overnight! 

2    Attract, then Engage -- Marketing on Facebook naturally enables businesses to engage audiences because that is the way the site was originally designed to be used among personal friends. That means your Facebook Ads would be able to generate Likes, Reactions, and Shares. People may also choose to start discussions in the comments section. That factor alone is far more effective than any PPC Ad campaign, which is not interactive and only allows people to click on links that directly bring them to your website. 

3    Fine-Grained Controls -- Facebook Ads are highly targeted. You have a lot more criteria to choose from to customize your Ads according to age, gender, location, and other available parameters with Facebook than you would with a PPC Campaign. Another perk is that you could fine tune your target marketing strategies, based on behavior and life events. Or take it one step further with lookalike audiences, which is like having a collective buyer persona on Facebook. The reasons why Facebook Ads are so powerful go on and on… 

We’ve only tapped the tip of the iceberg on the seemingly endless marketing opportunities that open up when you choose to use Facebook Ads to promote your business.  
Are you starting to get just a glimpse now of why Facebook Ads are blowing PPC Ads out of the water, and looking more and more like the new “unsinkable” Titanic platform for online advertising?  
Wouldn’t you say it’s time you gave it try!  Our digital marketing team at Compass Crossing provides full service Facebook Ad Campaigns for small business owners, as well as offering you DIY options, with mastery courses if you would like to spend the time becoming your own expert. Whatever you do, don’t wait for your competitor to set sail and jumpstart the inevitable Facebook Ad race to “capture” your local clients, before you do!